We had another fantastic meal at The Kilberry Inn (thanks, Abi!) - the service was exceptional, as always, and the wine recommendation spot on.
Mike had a feta cheese starter while I had fresh herrings in Arran mustard - was fabby! Then we both had beef in ale with mash and roast veg. Mike managed a pudding but I gave up at that point and had coffee and a homemade truffle.
These are the views we had of the sunset on the way home.
Oh my goodness Annie - can't believe I've been missing all your fabulous posts/pics. Now I'm back from travelling I'm trying to catch up with everyone.
I now know I MUST come to Scotland sooner rather than later! It looks so beautiful, but then I always knew that - it was just too far from Devon!
I fear that what was a hot day to you, while eating outdoors at that great place, could be chilly to me!! However, that's fine,I relish the thought of cool weather - it's 101 today and could hit 103 Wed. This I dislike intensely and will stay inside in the a/c after 8 AM.
Glad you stopped by - have put your name in the hat!!
Keep in touch - more pics will be lovely - and how about a pic of some really good fish & chips to make my mouth water and keep me going until I get over there in Oct.
Can I mention your blog on mine? I'm sure many people would love to read it and see the gorgeous scenery.
I so love skies and sunsets and enjoyed yours.
Anne - when looking back through your archives I found that recipe for the Prune, Apple & Brandy cake - and despite this terrible heatwave, am cranking up the stove to bake it this afternoon! One thing - hopefully you can reply asap - do you melt the butter prior to adding it to the batter? I bake another similar cake (with pears) where it's melted first and it turns out great. Anyway - if I don't hear back shortly I'll go ahead and do it without melting and see what happens!
Here in Raleigh it was the hottest place in the nation the past two days (other than Death Valley!) heat index hit 116 degrees (104 temp. plus humidity)and today is just a smidgen lower!
Thanks Anne - hope to hear from you.
Annie, me again - thanks for visiting and telling me you will try to send a fish 'n chips pic - I giggled and licked my lips!!!
Well, just had to let you know I made THE CAKE and..............I think it's the most fabulous cake I've ever had!!! I didn't melt the butter, just let it sit out until soft, and it all blended together well. I used one of those fab silicon baking pans so was able to tip it out on a plate and then over on to another so it was right side up! It looked so rustic and healthy - it better be because I've had two slices - and Bob loved it too. We had it with a nice cup of Earl Grey at tea time. Then we had a visitor, our builder friend, and I gave him a slice with a glass of lemonade (he was so hot - 102 degrees today) and he thought it great. I believe the ground almonds are what keep it so moist and rich tasting, and of course any cake with fruit is yummy and good for one, right?
I can see this will be on my list of all time favorites and will definitely bake it for company - a nice dessert even for a dinner party.
Do you mind if I post this recipe on my blog with thanks to you for sharing it with me? Did you come up with this cake yourself, or will I need to credit some well known cook book author?
What date do you leave on your trip? Must be getting close - and know you are excited.
Looking forward to hearing from you again.
Hugs, Mary.
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