Rather earlier than anticipated our darling daughter arrived!
Martha Kitty was born on Sunday 24th May at 3.10pm
and we are very thankful that all is well with her.
She weighed in at 7lbs and 8 oz
Martha Kitty was born on Sunday 24th May at 3.10pm
and we are very thankful that all is well with her.
She weighed in at 7lbs and 8 oz

On Friday 22nd I went for a fairly routine appointment at the hospital and was told that my blood pressure had rocketed and that I had pre-eclampsia and would be induced. I asked "when?" they said "now" and I was whisked up to the labour ward! (I'd been about to head off to the supermarket to get ingredients for lasagne for dinner!)
Mike arrived with the hospital bags and my acupuncturist came too and the induction began that evening. By Saturday lunchtime my contractions were regular. The consultant decided on an epidural and a third pessary - I was realising by this time that they were expecting to do a caesarean section so I was trying to prepare myself mentally for this.
Late Saturday night they put the epidural in - it was fascinating to have this and so funny to have dead legs! The contractions slowed a bit which is often the case after epidural. I was 3 cms dilated. We went through the night, I slept, Mike was having to find staff all the time (it was mega busy that weekend) either to top up the drip or increase the anaesthetic dose as I could feel contractions through the epidural and while they were very bearable I knew I shouldn't be feeling them so it was a long night for him.
On Sunday afternoon they came to check on me...I could feel the suggestion of a c-section in the air but fantastically I was fully dilated and they said they wanted the baby out right then which was a big surprise to us! They used a kiwi cup (new style ventouse) although with hindsight said they needn't have used this as with 3 pushes she was out and held up to us - it was so fast in the end!
So nothing went to plan! My hopes for a home birth had been dashed a few weeks before, so my compromise was a water birth in hospital but with the complications that wasn't an option. Had someone told me beforehand that I would be rushed in early, induced with pessaries, given an epidural, that it would take nearly 2 days I would have been terrified but it was a wonderful experience - all of it. There were ups and downs of course but it was the most amazing experience of my life and that moment when you are handed your baby is utterly thrilling.

Last week - wearing a hat that is way too big for her!

Praise God for our wonderful little daughter.
1 comment:
Congratulations! She is absolutely beautiful. :)
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