Wednesday, November 04, 2009

First Concert

We took Martha to her first concert! It was the Fisher's Tale Chill Out Evening to raise funds for Project Aid (charity to help provide cows, bikes etc where needed) ....she cried at first as it was too loud and she was tired so then we sat in the foyer with her where we could still hear and she slept through the rest of it! All proceeds from the coffee and cakes were for the charity.
I had fun making cupcakes for it and Fisher's Tale cookies.

The cupcake recipe I got from the internet but it wasn't that great - the cakes were too heavy so I've modified it a little since.
3 eggs

5oz butter
3oz caster sugar

3oz icing sugar

6oz SR flour

1 tsp vanilla

First I whisked the eggs with an electric whisk this time, then added all the other ingredients and whisked again until light and creamy. Bake at 180/350 for 18/20 mins. Cool before icing. Makes 12 cakes.

I'd really like to find a recipe with 2 eggs for cupcakes so my search will continue.


Dana and Daisy said...

Hi! Thank you for visiting my blog. It seems we have many interests in common, Please come back anytime. I have slowed down in my posting to about once a week, so as not to burn people out on my gurgling. Daisy accepts all friend requests on facebook if you care to become her friend. She would enjoy getting to know you there.

Kindest Regards, Dana

Barbara said...

The cup cakes look delicious and fun.