I've planted my seed potatoes in a new patch - more than last year so we are hoping for a bigger crop. It felt good to get this years' veggies started. I was reminded recently that the fashion for having a lawn was started by the French aristocracy to show how wealthy they were in that they didn't need to cultivate all of their land to produce food .. made me realise we could be producing much more food than we do...my neighbour does some veggie planting in the front garden too. I might try that this year as we were running out of space last year.
And Martha is growing too...we go to music group now which she loves. Life is constantly changing... she says "mum" and "mumma" which is lovely and she has had her first homemade curry. Lots of new experiences and all good fun.
1 comment:
Cute photo! I love this time of year when all is in bloom. I am having a tough time getting used to growing things in Tennessee...you would think there wouldn't be that much difference between this state and my home state of Kentucky, but there is! The dirt seems so different, and I can't get my veggies to grow like I did "back home." I will try a different location for my vegetables this year. My husband is scared that I'm going to dig up the front lawn to plant my vegetables, and I have actually been thinking about it! It's the sunniest place on our land, and I just know it would do better for me than any of the other places. I think he would DIE if I did it, but I may be able to figure out a way that it doesn't look too bad. Wish me luck! ;-)
Hope you have a great Easter weekend!
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