Saturday, November 12, 2011


This year I have booked to do my first online scrap class - Journal Your Christmas with Shimelle Laine. I have been deliberating about whether to do a mini book (seriously how would that ever fit Christmas in??! I need a maxi book really!) or to use a 12 x 12 album which is what I normally scrapbook with (generally 2 a year excluding holiday/trip albums).
Anyhow instead I am using a John Lewis wedding album! 

I bought two albums in the JL sale last year both £5 (RRP was £25 and £35 respectively) and a little tatty. The one I am using I have ripped all the tissue protector pages out as they we creased and marked, hence the price. You can't see an edge at all where I have pulled these portions out. 
I can either make pages and then attch them onto the cream wedding-y paper inside (the size is just less than 12 x 12) or I can journal and embellish right onto the page - scary monsters!

The outside was mainly in good condition except for the corners so I have painted borders with Jenni Bowlin for Ranger Soap Powder dabber and attached ribbon and embellishment - just simple really. Am hoping they stick ok long term.

I am journalling for 31 days - from 1st Dec to the end of the year. Whilst we celebrate NY Day and are still doing holiday things I like to start my new year scrapbook off by detailing those events. 

 Roll on Journal Your Christmas - can't wait to start it!

1 comment:

rubberdubber said...

Hiya - thanks for visiting my blog. You will love JYC, it's great fun :)