Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Catch up

Blog life has been frustrating this year as my laptop is being very temperamental and so I got an ipad only to discover I cannot update my blog on that - the blog and the ipad don't seem to get along!
I need to figure out what to do as I mainly want a record for ourselves of our life, holidays, fun, home med, family and that hasn't been happening. The laptop is behaving at the moment so it is time for a speedy update.

Usual Valentine's celebration, decorations, steak, wine & treats.

A trip to Birmingham to see the fabulous new library, and the show What the Ladybird Heard (Julia Donaldson) and late lunch at Cafe Rouge.

Our Ocean Project - making a book, creating a diorama, meeting Ollie Octopus, reading lots of fishy books, eating fish, looking at the fish counter and playing games along with watching a few documentaries and You Tube videos. We really had fun with this!

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