Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day

Having been aware of this book from Persephone Books for a long time (I gave it as a gift some time ago) I was delighted when it was released as a movie and watched it this morning courtesy of Lovefilm.
It was charming and the sets were fabulously opulent.

Rosneath Peninsula

Looking towards Rothesay

We had a nice trip out to the Rosneath Peninsula and a walk in the sun. It was windy and lovely. We watched the boat leaving for Gourock from the pier.

Ayrshire in the rain

We had a dull day and took a trip to Ayrshire.

We stopped at Hayes on the way for lunch and then walked at Portencross before going on to Largs in the rain and to Nardini's for coffee and ice cream...it's such a fab place there. On the way home we stopped to visit my cousin Dot and her family.

My Mum eyeing up my Dad's cake!

The beautiful 1930s decor can be glimpsed in the background.

Dinner in Paisley

We went to see Abi and Paul and the kids. Paul and the kids hadn't met Martha yet so it was great to see them. Abi cooked an amazing dinner as usual and we stayed late and talked about us being able to move back to Scotland but I don't think it will happen in reality.

Our friend Miriam came over with her kids too so we caught up with her and Abi's parents popped in for a quick visit so it was lovely to see them briefly.

Scottish Summer

We went to Scotland for just over a week and had the best of the weather. On the first Saturday we had a garden party for friends and family to come over to see Martha. It was our only way to catch up with as many people as we could during the week and lots of our lovely friends dropped in at short notice - really great.
It was a beautiful day and we had tea and cake and lots of talking.

Sharon with Helen and Margaret

Pamela with Ross, Heather and Kyle


Lewis and Kat