Monday, September 12, 2011


Buckingham Palace at Legoland, complete with the Royal Wedding!


London at Miniland, Legoland

The gherkin, London


Pictures from the Windsor camping trip, lovely days but we need a bigger tent!!!

Friday, September 02, 2011

This camping lark...

 Martha and I are enjoying this new camping experience so we decide to go again this time with Mike too. I had a conference with Tom Barrett to go to in Bracknell so we camped up in Windsor so that Mike and Martha could walk into town there and I could go off in the car to the conference.
Martha and I enjoyed it again but Mike wasn't convinced!

Days with Friends

 We caught up with S&D who we hadn't seen for a long time, had a great walk, lunch, cake and conversations then dinner and home.

Martha loved the cake :)

Summer Club

We helped with summer club at church which was a lot of fun.
Lots of kids came and joined in for "Seaside Stories"

 Lots of creative activities as well as games and drama.

Martha was officially too young but she joined in and had a fantastic week!

Buckets for the kids to take away with them.


 My friend was going camping with her dog in Norfolk and somehow I ended up taking our tent and Martha and I went along too.
Unfortunately I had a chest infection so was feeling rather low and this made life a little tricky while camping but as the days went on I improved and we had a good time.
Relaxed, beach, Cromer pier, sitting in the sun reading, easy cooking and good sleeping.
Perfect really!

The beach was about a mile from the campsite (this was a lot for me feeling unwell!) but we made it and it was lovely.

Cromer Pier in the rain

Our little tent

Dinner on the last night, Martha munching sweetcorn!