Thursday, February 20, 2014

Fun with painting

First letter to Father Christmas

Stratford Home Ed Group

What a lovely friendly group and so many things to do. We both loved it :):):)

Day in Stratford

We started going to Dinah's Little Fishes group in Stratford...really lovely.
 Afterwards we had a trip into town for lunch and a wander.


 Martha just wanted to stay in and make and play with these farm finger puppets. 
These are puppets that I sell here

More French....

 Cafe Rouge - Martha loves their little kiddie stickers :)

Lantern making in Leamington

Compton Verney again

November 5th

Dallas Days

Had someone told me at the start of 2013 that before the year end I would have visited Dallas on my own to go to a course and left Martha with Mike and my parents I would not have believed it!
Initially we were all going to attend but it was just turning into an impossible logistical problem so I went alone. I REALLY wanted to do the second part of a course that Mike and I had attended in February. I'm glad I did it but I liked the first course much more. I would be keen to re-do that course again but not the follow-on. The jet lag was so much worse than I have ever had so that did not help, still glad I felt the fear etc! 

Was great to get home and see all that Martha had made xxx

October Half Term Fun